If you already have a business and don’t have a website you are probably losing a number of great opportunities. If you plan to have a business, well, make sure to have a website before attending any professional events otherwise your business card has a great chance of ending up in a trash can.
Credibility and Trust are two of the most important words in business today, and in the digital age, nothing conveys a message of trustworthiness better than a beautiful website and Social media. Even if people have heard of your business through positive word of mouth, they will still check you out to see your products or services, prices, location, reviews and everything else that will make them decide to part with their well earned cash!
And guess what? It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is. You can end up ranking higher than a multinational company on Google if you “play your cards right”.
As with every bit of technology, there is constant evolution in the internet and digital world and you better be and stay on board this speedy train otherwise you will quickly fall behind and be forgotten.
In 2019 it means that your website should not only be beautifully designed but also have at least:
Rotating slider/banner, Parallax Scrolling, JavaScript Menus etc.
Contact Form with Google Maps display.
Social Media Integration, ie. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc .
CRM/Email Marketing Integration etc.
Newsletter signup form.
Equally important is a SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Friendly Design and Optimised code in order to Rank higher in Google and other search engines.
If all this jargon sounds like a foreign language to you…. GOOD! It means that you need to talk to us.
You want to speak to a friendly voice who will explain everything to you in a clear and concise manner and guide you every step of the way in designing what will be your window to the world.
If you are proud of the product or service that you want billions like me to acquire or benefit from, and need the best platform to showcase it give us a call and let’s talk.
Don’t let yourself and your company down at the first hurdle. Be Bright! Be Online!